Princess Mononoke is japanese anime directed by Hayao Miyazaki. The theme of the anime was issue between human and nature.
Doomsday is imminent...An interesting twist into the coming of Doomsday...the abomination that killed Superman!
American Pie is story about the guys when they're in their late 20's, and they all decide to go on a vacation.
Blade Runner A man, not knowing whether he is a replicant or a human being, pursues the woman of his dreams.
Bride and Prejudice
The lion King Kenya, Simba and Nala's youngest daughter, has a heart for adventure. When a rival pride comes to the Pridelands it spells trouble for her. But three unlikely friends help her on her way. Shenzi, Bonzai, and Ed.
Pearl Harbour A romance epic between Leah McCawley and Danny Walker. Follows thier innocent love before and after Pearl Harbour.
Charlie's Angel
The Private Queen
Miras Sergisi
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Humpdizzle Dumpdizzle....
Ok so the title is a little crazy. My idea for the fan fiction is to Humpdy Dumpdy in a modern Gangster setting. I had this idea before i left for the states and now that im back it time to put it on paper. The main conflict of the story is why would Humpdy (Humpdizzle) fall off a wall?
Was it suicide? Was he pushed? The cast will include many crazy characters i.e The 3 little pigs will star as the 3 crooked police. Snow white and the 7 dwarfs will appear as snow white and the 7 drug lords. Alot of crazy stuff like this will be going on. I hope it turns out well
Was it suicide? Was he pushed? The cast will include many crazy characters i.e The 3 little pigs will star as the 3 crooked police. Snow white and the 7 dwarfs will appear as snow white and the 7 drug lords. Alot of crazy stuff like this will be going on. I hope it turns out well
Friday, August 15, 2008
Rod Flanders Sins

NOTE: Haven't exactly proof read!
"Rod, Rod darling! Wake up!! It's monday. It's your first day at Uni." Ned Flanders seemed more excited then Rod.
"Ooohhh" Rod gruntled. "I was having tea with Jesus" as he woked up from his dream.
Rod automaticly got out of bed and onto his knees just like he had everyday of his life.
"Lord, the shortbread went well with the Green tea. I pray today that you please look after me through my first day at uni today. I also pray for all the children that don't have time to pray to you... Like Bart Simpsons... and Nelson Muntz. I hope we can have tea again soon lord. In your precious name...Amen!"
Rod got ready for his big first day then stubbled down the stairs into the kitchen where his dad was flipping pancakes over the stove.
"Dad, how come we only get to go church three times a week?" Rod's younger brother Todd asked staring at the roof.
"Well son..." Ned replied.
"Dad... can we go early today" Rod interupted. "I want to be sure i find the right classroom so im not late."
"Cockily doodily doo son!"
With that said, the Flanders got into their car and headed down the road towards Springfield University. All the way to University Ned and his sons sang along with their favourite station 89.1 Waiting for his return Radio.
"This lil light of mine, im gonna let it shine!"
After a 45min drive their yellow car finally pulled up infront of a big olden day brick building that had the banner 'WELCOME TO SPRINGFIELD UNIVERSITY, 2012'.
Students entered the gates frantically like ants. Gothics sat on the grass staring at the car. Girls dressed in short skirts and tight small tops hanged out in a group under a big oak tree. A big group of boys played Football on the other strip of grass.
"Daddy... i think im scard" Rod whispered as he looked at the Goths staring at them.
"Don't worry son. The big man upstairs is watching. He'll protect you".
Rod looked back at his dad then nodded. He slowly pushed himself out of the car and stuttered 'I can do this.'
Looking straight down to his shoes Rod made his way through the crowd and into the huge building.
He continued walking down the hallway til he found a familiar face.
"This lil light of mine, im gonna let it shine!"
After a 45min drive their yellow car finally pulled up infront of a big olden day brick building that had the banner 'WELCOME TO SPRINGFIELD UNIVERSITY, 2012'.
Students entered the gates frantically like ants. Gothics sat on the grass staring at the car. Girls dressed in short skirts and tight small tops hanged out in a group under a big oak tree. A big group of boys played Football on the other strip of grass.
"Daddy... i think im scard" Rod whispered as he looked at the Goths staring at them.
"Don't worry son. The big man upstairs is watching. He'll protect you".
Rod looked back at his dad then nodded. He slowly pushed himself out of the car and stuttered 'I can do this.'
Looking straight down to his shoes Rod made his way through the crowd and into the huge building.
He continued walking down the hallway til he found a familiar face.
"Rod Flanders!! Rod... can you be my friend. I'm scared."
Rod for the first time seemed excited to see Ralph Wiggums.
"Well im scared too. I have seen anyone from high school and..."
"Well, Brad, Angelina, Ken and Barbie are here too."
Rod looked at Ralph confused.
"Brad? Ken?" Rod said puzzled.
"My imaginary friends!" Ralph claimed excited. "Oohh but there scared too" Ralph said as he frowned and picked his nose.
"Why don't we try go find some others from our school."
Rod and Ralph (and Brad, Angelina, Ken and Barbie) took off down the back stairs of the building in search for other citizens of there highschool. The sun seemed to shine through one room and before Rod could led Ralph the other way the smell of the deep fried fattening chips got the better of Ralph and he followed it into the cafeteria. As they walked through Ralph's smile grew wider and wider at the sight of so many different food stands. Rod looked around and caught a glimpse of a star-headed girl carrying a large saxaphone on her back. Before Ralph got lost in the crowd Rod grabbed his arm and said "We found them."
Rod for the first time seemed excited to see Ralph Wiggums.
"Well im scared too. I have seen anyone from high school and..."
"Well, Brad, Angelina, Ken and Barbie are here too."
Rod looked at Ralph confused.
"Brad? Ken?" Rod said puzzled.
"My imaginary friends!" Ralph claimed excited. "Oohh but there scared too" Ralph said as he frowned and picked his nose.
"Why don't we try go find some others from our school."
Rod and Ralph (and Brad, Angelina, Ken and Barbie) took off down the back stairs of the building in search for other citizens of there highschool. The sun seemed to shine through one room and before Rod could led Ralph the other way the smell of the deep fried fattening chips got the better of Ralph and he followed it into the cafeteria. As they walked through Ralph's smile grew wider and wider at the sight of so many different food stands. Rod looked around and caught a glimpse of a star-headed girl carrying a large saxaphone on her back. Before Ralph got lost in the crowd Rod grabbed his arm and said "We found them."
Lisa sat reading a textbook that was thick. Bart and Milhouse entertained each other by playing with rubber band guns. Martin held a book in his arm and wrote in it hastly well scanning the room, most probably writing everything in his diary.
"Hey guys" Rod said with a smile.
"Heeyyyyyy" Milhouse replied.
"Uni's pretty scary ay... can we hang out with you lot."
"Of course. I've planned it all. We (all the Springfield High kids will stick together to avoid getting bullied since Nelson isn't here."
Happily Rod and Ralph took a seat they all discussed how the holidays had gone. Hanging out with Bart, Lisa, Martin and Milhouse had never seemed better. Rod glanced around and was finally proud that he wasn't going to be going through this year of University by himself. The clock ticked and by time it hit 10:00am all of them were due for there first class.
"Hey guys" Rod said with a smile.
"Heeyyyyyy" Milhouse replied.
"Uni's pretty scary ay... can we hang out with you lot."
"Of course. I've planned it all. We (all the Springfield High kids will stick together to avoid getting bullied since Nelson isn't here."
Happily Rod and Ralph took a seat they all discussed how the holidays had gone. Hanging out with Bart, Lisa, Martin and Milhouse had never seemed better. Rod glanced around and was finally proud that he wasn't going to be going through this year of University by himself. The clock ticked and by time it hit 10:00am all of them were due for there first class.
Rod stared down at his timetable.
Bio101 - 10:00am - Charles Montgomery Burns Building, Room 397.
"We got class together!" Milhouse exclaimed. "And Bart!"
Bart rolled his eyes and yelled out "Come on, lets get going."
Bio101 - 10:00am - Charles Montgomery Burns Building, Room 397.
"We got class together!" Milhouse exclaimed. "And Bart!"
Bart rolled his eyes and yelled out "Come on, lets get going."
The room was extremely different to the rooms that they were use to in High school. The lecture room had seats for roughly 400 students. "Wooww!" Rod looked around with disbelief. "Settle down everyone, we'll start in 5 minutes" a voice spoke through the speakers. Quickly Bart and Milhouse grabbed Rod and pushed him into a seat. In less then 5 mins the class filled. As the class went on Rod's eyes sparkled with excitement as the lecturer introduced the topic Bio Meds. Milhouse snored with his mouth wide open in the seat next to Rod, while Bart continued aiming at people's heads with his rubber band gun. As Bart shot a random head he looked back to the lecture and nodded as if he was listening. He looked down and noticed that the girl infront of them had her ipod in the front pocket of her bag and it was wide open infront of him. He nudged Rod. "Hey grab that ipod in her bag!"
"The ipod!"
"But its not ours."
"We're only going to listen to it Godly boy."
"But we don't have permission. That would be stealing..."
"Stealing? No! We are BORROWING."
"Grab it!"
Rod stretched and put his hand through the girls bag and squealed nervously as he got hold of the ipod and passed it to Bart.
"Shot!" Bart said with a big smile.
Rod's salivor felt like it was stuck in his throat. He gulped and uncomfortably squelled in his chair. Class finally finished and the girl grabbed her bag and opened it searching for something. Rod gasped... She turned around, looked at Rod with a confused face and ran up the stairs. Rod heard her whisper 'Where did i leave it?' He wondered, was she talking about her ipod?
"The ipod!"
"But its not ours."
"We're only going to listen to it Godly boy."
"But we don't have permission. That would be stealing..."
"Stealing? No! We are BORROWING."
"Grab it!"
Rod stretched and put his hand through the girls bag and squealed nervously as he got hold of the ipod and passed it to Bart.
"Shot!" Bart said with a big smile.
Rod's salivor felt like it was stuck in his throat. He gulped and uncomfortably squelled in his chair. Class finally finished and the girl grabbed her bag and opened it searching for something. Rod gasped... She turned around, looked at Rod with a confused face and ran up the stairs. Rod heard her whisper 'Where did i leave it?' He wondered, was she talking about her ipod?
Rod left the room with a guilty feeling. He felt gutted that he had committed such a crime that it was hard for him to walk. A sad look took over his face as he entered the commons with Bart and Milhouse. The room was filled with music blasting through 2 big speakers that sat on top of the wooden table. "Didn't know how lost i was until i found you! Your so fine... And your mine!" Madonna's old school hit single echoed in the room. Everyone seemed to be nodding there head like they were all enjoying the song. Rod turned to Bart and began saying, "Bart... i think..."
"Like a virgin..." everyone yelled. "Touched for the very first time..." they continued to sing.
"Devils music!!" Rod said loudly.
Everyone turned around and laughed. Ashamed Rod ran out of the commons. He kept running till a girl stopped him. "Excuse me. You sat behind me in Bio Meds. I was just wondering if you saw my ipod where you and your friends were sitting?"
Rod's face burned of embarassement. "Uhh... uummm.. n-na-no. I-i don't th-think so" he stuttered.
"Thanks" she said and turned around to walk off.
"Like a virgin..." everyone yelled. "Touched for the very first time..." they continued to sing.
"Devils music!!" Rod said loudly.
Everyone turned around and laughed. Ashamed Rod ran out of the commons. He kept running till a girl stopped him. "Excuse me. You sat behind me in Bio Meds. I was just wondering if you saw my ipod where you and your friends were sitting?"
Rod's face burned of embarassement. "Uhh... uummm.. n-na-no. I-i don't th-think so" he stuttered.
"Thanks" she said and turned around to walk off.
Rod's stomach grumbled and he looked up. Was Jesus watching? Was he disappointed? "Oohhhh!!" he cried out softly so that nobody could hear him.
"Police! Police" the running crowd behind Rod chanted.
Rod turned horrified. As the crowd ran past him he screeched. The cops ran in with armed with different weapons. "Cop 42" one cop kept yelling in his walkie talkie.
"I stole it!" Rod screamed as they walked along side of him. They all stopped puzzled. "Did what exactly?" Chief Wiggums said.
"I stole the ipod! And i listened to the devils music, but i tried not to... I ran. I did officer! And then i lied when that girl asked me if i saw her ipod. I only did it cause i was scared officer. I'm sorry officer. I'm sorry God. I will never do it again" he yelled fast as he sobbed. The police looked at him not knowing what he was talking about. Officer Wiggums turned to the other two, "You two go cuff the two fighting in the cafeteria while i sort out Mr Stealy here."
"Police! Police" the running crowd behind Rod chanted.
Rod turned horrified. As the crowd ran past him he screeched. The cops ran in with armed with different weapons. "Cop 42" one cop kept yelling in his walkie talkie.
"I stole it!" Rod screamed as they walked along side of him. They all stopped puzzled. "Did what exactly?" Chief Wiggums said.
"I stole the ipod! And i listened to the devils music, but i tried not to... I ran. I did officer! And then i lied when that girl asked me if i saw her ipod. I only did it cause i was scared officer. I'm sorry officer. I'm sorry God. I will never do it again" he yelled fast as he sobbed. The police looked at him not knowing what he was talking about. Officer Wiggums turned to the other two, "You two go cuff the two fighting in the cafeteria while i sort out Mr Stealy here."
Mr Wiggums led Rod Flanders to one of the rooms and looked at him puzzled. "Today we came because we got a call that Bart Simpsons and a boy named Mark Anderson were fighting in the cafeteria. Then we have you weeping in the corridor saying you stole someones ipod. Well..." he looked up at Rod as Rod continued to wipe the tears that flooded from his eyes. "This time im going to let you off Flanders. Only because you don't have a record, you cry like a baby and your one of my son Ralph's only real living friends." Rod looked up, stunned he sat there for a while. Closed his eyes and did a quick prayer.
For Rod to live a normal simple life would be abnormal. Rod continued to live his 'holy' life and these were the only 'sins' he ever commited.
I have heard a song from a famous Chinese Singer; the song is about a poison candy. I really like the idea of relating the candy with poison, so I decide to write some thing about candy and poison.
PS...Please excuse my mistakes
Eighteen mile for the city, there is small town,
Nearly lunch time, this town is cover by a vague sweet smell. Mei is standing at the front of the stove, stir into a meter high’s bowl with a huge spoon. Soon she takes the spoon out of the bowl. Just like magic, it produced many many crystal granules.
It is candy. She tries a bit of the candy that in the spoon. The taste is seductively charming, full of temptations; the taste of the candy seems exploding in her mouth.
Is it candy? What else it can be? Mei looks at the recipe of the candy again. The candy festival will be next mouth, with this one she will definably be the winner for this year. What else will she expect? This is a candy all candy maker dream to make during their whole life.
One Month later….
The day has came, the candy festive, gather many people form all around place into this little town, Candy is not the only thing attract every one, but the business opportunities, shocking prize, and reputation, also a competition between candy makers. Every year people’s dream came true in this little town at this day during the year.
The time Mei have waited for so long finally come, the first set of candy start being present it to the judge. Mei’s candy is in the fifth set,just before the breaks, this is not a very good sign, after tasting too many candies, people became numbness with the sweetness that candy produce As the time pass on the candy is divided in to different levels by the judges. And send it back to their producer.
Mei has told herself to be patience. She has waited long enough, for seven years, year after year, just to get their cognizance. and the tempt prize, she always dream to create a huge candy factory. Let everyone taste the taste of her candy,
Soon her candies present it to the judges and people around them.
After people put the candy into their month, people seem to be trance. This candy seems can not be found in the earth, seem like is produce in God’s hand, a present from heaven. It will be an unforgettable taste in your whole life. the whole place suddenly became very quiet. Seem like everyone is in a dream, no one want to wake up from this unbelievable feel. There is not a word to describe this moment, It is a miracle.
One of the judge break this lovely moment. He chucks everything on the table away. And yell out to Mei “you lost the qualification for this competition ever again”
Mei was shocked, she saw everyone’s reaction, while they taste her candy, and she also knows how the candies taste like. She create it, no one can judge the quality of it., another word to say the candy is too perfect to be judged. She is definably not accepting this answer.
The judge speak again” hundred years before Hui is a well knowing country , which produce sugar, therefore they make the best candy in the world, many other country was look in to Hui’s ability. One day someone bring in a candy’s recipe into Hui ‘s famous candy shop.” He stop for a moment express a kind of horror on his face, “Then the disaster happened, the whole country stared to make this candy , is like a kind of drugs or disease, that spread out in the country, as days went past, more and more people enjoy the feel the candy bring to them. The whole country begins seeking into this candy, until other country offense their homeland... But it’s too late to do struggle. Their enemy is not the enemy county, is the candy they produce, the desire within themselves. I can not believe it, Mei, how can you reproduce this poison again. I will never let the same disaster again.”
Silent for a moment Mei disappears in the crowd, she wanders around place.
Some vague sweet smells attract her attention. Suddenly she wake up on the side of stove holding a huge spoon, Mei have fall into sleep while make the candy for the candy festive. She wandered that is only a dream. She start to stir into a meter high’s bowl with a huge spoon. A candy ‘s recipe was not far from her.
PS...Please excuse my mistakes
Eighteen mile for the city, there is small town,
Nearly lunch time, this town is cover by a vague sweet smell. Mei is standing at the front of the stove, stir into a meter high’s bowl with a huge spoon. Soon she takes the spoon out of the bowl. Just like magic, it produced many many crystal granules.
It is candy. She tries a bit of the candy that in the spoon. The taste is seductively charming, full of temptations; the taste of the candy seems exploding in her mouth.
Is it candy? What else it can be? Mei looks at the recipe of the candy again. The candy festival will be next mouth, with this one she will definably be the winner for this year. What else will she expect? This is a candy all candy maker dream to make during their whole life.
One Month later….
The day has came, the candy festive, gather many people form all around place into this little town, Candy is not the only thing attract every one, but the business opportunities, shocking prize, and reputation, also a competition between candy makers. Every year people’s dream came true in this little town at this day during the year.
The time Mei have waited for so long finally come, the first set of candy start being present it to the judge. Mei’s candy is in the fifth set,just before the breaks, this is not a very good sign, after tasting too many candies, people became numbness with the sweetness that candy produce As the time pass on the candy is divided in to different levels by the judges. And send it back to their producer.
Mei has told herself to be patience. She has waited long enough, for seven years, year after year, just to get their cognizance. and the tempt prize, she always dream to create a huge candy factory. Let everyone taste the taste of her candy,
Soon her candies present it to the judges and people around them.
After people put the candy into their month, people seem to be trance. This candy seems can not be found in the earth, seem like is produce in God’s hand, a present from heaven. It will be an unforgettable taste in your whole life. the whole place suddenly became very quiet. Seem like everyone is in a dream, no one want to wake up from this unbelievable feel. There is not a word to describe this moment, It is a miracle.
One of the judge break this lovely moment. He chucks everything on the table away. And yell out to Mei “you lost the qualification for this competition ever again”
Mei was shocked, she saw everyone’s reaction, while they taste her candy, and she also knows how the candies taste like. She create it, no one can judge the quality of it., another word to say the candy is too perfect to be judged. She is definably not accepting this answer.
The judge speak again” hundred years before Hui is a well knowing country , which produce sugar, therefore they make the best candy in the world, many other country was look in to Hui’s ability. One day someone bring in a candy’s recipe into Hui ‘s famous candy shop.” He stop for a moment express a kind of horror on his face, “Then the disaster happened, the whole country stared to make this candy , is like a kind of drugs or disease, that spread out in the country, as days went past, more and more people enjoy the feel the candy bring to them. The whole country begins seeking into this candy, until other country offense their homeland... But it’s too late to do struggle. Their enemy is not the enemy county, is the candy they produce, the desire within themselves. I can not believe it, Mei, how can you reproduce this poison again. I will never let the same disaster again.”
Silent for a moment Mei disappears in the crowd, she wanders around place.
Some vague sweet smells attract her attention. Suddenly she wake up on the side of stove holding a huge spoon, Mei have fall into sleep while make the candy for the candy festive. She wandered that is only a dream. She start to stir into a meter high’s bowl with a huge spoon. A candy ‘s recipe was not far from her.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Old Wedding Memories
I was inspirated from the movie of Bride & Prejudice(2004) .Martin Henderson who is famous New Zealand actor and Aishwarya Rai who is famous Indian actress played in this movie. The movie about one girl and boy whom are from different culture. That's why i decided to change the sorty and write about it. I wish you guys will enjoy it..
It was a very exciting day for me when my kurdish friend Zilan invited me to wedding party of her great friends Erman and Elif and wondered what should wear and how I should behave at a ceromony which would probably be very different from the family weddings that i had been before. I had met my friend at A.U.T and had learn from something about her culture. She had come to my house and was becoming more familiar with the Kiwi way of life. But i had not yet met her parents. She had told me that Kurdish people are very welcoming and that her family,bridge and groom were very happy that i was coming with Zilan and she came with me to choose my dress and stared my away from dresses that were much too revealing. Thank goodness ! Together we choose a modest but very pretty red frock in which i felt really good.
The day before the wedding day was particularly interesting Zilan explained that this is called 'henna day' where bride and her girlfriends celebrated her last day as a single woman I could not help thinking that may be all cultures have a way of saying goodbye to young people as a before they are married. I have been to several kitchen evenings and hand's parties for my friends who were about to get married. The guest who came to Elif's henna day were dressed in lovely bright clours with elaborate hair do's-most of them had long glossy black hair. They wore more jewelers then my friend and I normally wear. They welcome to me very warmly although I could not understand half of waht they said but smiles and hugs very sincere. And oww the food ! There were lots of different and to me,strange dishes I was surprised when a large cloth was spread on the flour and I was invited to sit down at edge of the cloth soon several of Elif's friend and family brought plate to each of us then steaming bowls of delicious looking food was brought in and served to us and we were invited to eat . I loved the Dolma which is a food for special occasions while we were eating the girls with better English asked questions for their friends and for themselves about how Kiwi's do things.
" do you have a henna day" they asked
I explained that we had the same idea of getting together before the wedding to share food and wish the bride well, but we did it a different way. We had kitchen evening where friends brought small gifts that the bride could use in her new home and hand's party where all the girls friends went out together for a meal or drinks or had a party at someone's house.
Zilan said " i don't think that all family go to your hand's part do they?
I said " no , only perhaps cousins or sisters its usually the bride's girlfriends.
I felt good because Zilan's friend were so friendly and wanted to know more about me and my culture.
Someone said shyly " Do you have a boyfriend?
I smiled and said " no, not aynone serious"
Pinar, a bride's mate said "would you prefer to get married to Kiwi or someone from another culture? "
By now I was relaxed enough to enjoy the conversation and though that these girls talked the same sort of things that I talk about to my friends. I answered,
" I think I would be happier with a Kiwi boy because he is from my own culture.
I usually talk about our cultural differences with Zilan and I know that Kurdish man are not so happy to help in the house. These days women are expected to work in New Zealand to help with financially. So they expected their husbands to share the housework. "
" How wonderful ! We can only dream of the day when Kurdish man do that even tough we both worked we would be expected to do everything in the house " said Pinar.
We talked about how Kiwi woman now make their own choice of husband. But i did explained to them that approximately 100 years ago parents still had control over who you could mary and many marriages were arrange especially in the upper classes in Europe.
" We've never had such a strict class system here" I said.
" But most parents still want their daughters to marry someone who will give them a good life"
Suddenly my head turned to my other side as I over heart part of remark made by bride to in an Indian friend who had asked her how she met the bride and groom.
" ohh..I 've known him all my life" she said " we are cousins"
I was shocked nobody I knew had ever married their cousin. i could not imagine myself marrying one of my cousin. They were a bunch of creeps!
I reaaly enjoyed henna day but i noticed when i glanced at the bride that she looked rather sad. I asked Zilan " why she sad so? " Zilan laughed and said " That's tradition..she has to pretend to be shy and scared "
I tought.."what the...! " . Finally henna day was over and I was really shattered.
When i saw my bed waiting for me I collapsed into it. The next day I just lazied around the house, thinking of all the things we talked about.The day after that was the wedding reception. it was to be a local hole from 7 o'clock to midnight. I took my dress and make up to Zilan's house in the morning and we all rushed about doing last minute jobs before the reception we went to the hair salon to have our hair and make up done when we were dressed and ready. The groom came in the bridal car with his friends following him. In their cars I didn't expect to be asked to join bride and groom bridal car. Because I knew that close friends shared that car. To my suprise they asked me to join them. I felt so honored and happy to be asked. I know that they must think of my as good friend. There was a lot of joking and happy chatter. I heart one guy talking in Kurdish and mentioning my name but no one explained what he was saying and I wondered if he looked done his noise at me which really bugged me !! "what a character.." I thought who does he think he is? I decided to ignore him and not let him spoel my evening. As he got out of the car this superior guy stumbled and nearly felt " serves you right "
I thought and turned away to hide my smile. It was getting dark when we had finished getting our photos taken. We got back in the cars and made our way to the hole. I was getting as exited as the bride and groom. I dont know wht made me so exiceted but I was really looking forward to evening.
When we got the hole i saw young people making arch with their arms and a man lighting sparkles that they held in the their other hands . Andbride and groom went through the arch laughing with their friends we all followed them under the arch amazingly ..!!
The superior guy went under the arch with me. At the end of the arch groom's mother was standing with the basket of coins and lollies. All the kids were waiting excitedly ! Then the groom's mother scattered coins, lollies and everyone laughed as they watched the children, rushing about gathering up these treasures it reminded me of lolly scrambles at parties I had been to when I was little. As the bride and groom walked to the middle of the hole.
I looked around at the guests I could see people from several cultures there.The bride and groom began to dance in the middle of the hole to a CD playing slow and romantic music the crowded formed a circled around them and again to my surprise ...
I found the same guy next to me he held out his hand with the a smile and suddenly he did not seem superior at all. I put my hand in his hand and we all began to dance I felt strange and shy while we were dancing.
He said " i know your name, my name is Roj". This was the first time he had spoken to me ..
I smiled at him but could not say anyting then music...
I'll continue...
It was a very exciting day for me when my kurdish friend Zilan invited me to wedding party of her great friends Erman and Elif and wondered what should wear and how I should behave at a ceromony which would probably be very different from the family weddings that i had been before. I had met my friend at A.U.T and had learn from something about her culture. She had come to my house and was becoming more familiar with the Kiwi way of life. But i had not yet met her parents. She had told me that Kurdish people are very welcoming and that her family,bridge and groom were very happy that i was coming with Zilan and she came with me to choose my dress and stared my away from dresses that were much too revealing. Thank goodness ! Together we choose a modest but very pretty red frock in which i felt really good.
The day before the wedding day was particularly interesting Zilan explained that this is called 'henna day' where bride and her girlfriends celebrated her last day as a single woman I could not help thinking that may be all cultures have a way of saying goodbye to young people as a before they are married. I have been to several kitchen evenings and hand's parties for my friends who were about to get married. The guest who came to Elif's henna day were dressed in lovely bright clours with elaborate hair do's-most of them had long glossy black hair. They wore more jewelers then my friend and I normally wear. They welcome to me very warmly although I could not understand half of waht they said but smiles and hugs very sincere. And oww the food ! There were lots of different and to me,strange dishes I was surprised when a large cloth was spread on the flour and I was invited to sit down at edge of the cloth soon several of Elif's friend and family brought plate to each of us then steaming bowls of delicious looking food was brought in and served to us and we were invited to eat . I loved the Dolma which is a food for special occasions while we were eating the girls with better English asked questions for their friends and for themselves about how Kiwi's do things.
" do you have a henna day" they asked
I explained that we had the same idea of getting together before the wedding to share food and wish the bride well, but we did it a different way. We had kitchen evening where friends brought small gifts that the bride could use in her new home and hand's party where all the girls friends went out together for a meal or drinks or had a party at someone's house.
Zilan said " i don't think that all family go to your hand's part do they?
I said " no , only perhaps cousins or sisters its usually the bride's girlfriends.
I felt good because Zilan's friend were so friendly and wanted to know more about me and my culture.
Someone said shyly " Do you have a boyfriend?
I smiled and said " no, not aynone serious"
Pinar, a bride's mate said "would you prefer to get married to Kiwi or someone from another culture? "
By now I was relaxed enough to enjoy the conversation and though that these girls talked the same sort of things that I talk about to my friends. I answered,
" I think I would be happier with a Kiwi boy because he is from my own culture.
I usually talk about our cultural differences with Zilan and I know that Kurdish man are not so happy to help in the house. These days women are expected to work in New Zealand to help with financially. So they expected their husbands to share the housework. "
" How wonderful ! We can only dream of the day when Kurdish man do that even tough we both worked we would be expected to do everything in the house " said Pinar.
We talked about how Kiwi woman now make their own choice of husband. But i did explained to them that approximately 100 years ago parents still had control over who you could mary and many marriages were arrange especially in the upper classes in Europe.
" We've never had such a strict class system here" I said.
" But most parents still want their daughters to marry someone who will give them a good life"
Suddenly my head turned to my other side as I over heart part of remark made by bride to in an Indian friend who had asked her how she met the bride and groom.
" ohh..I 've known him all my life" she said " we are cousins"
I was shocked nobody I knew had ever married their cousin. i could not imagine myself marrying one of my cousin. They were a bunch of creeps!
I reaaly enjoyed henna day but i noticed when i glanced at the bride that she looked rather sad. I asked Zilan " why she sad so? " Zilan laughed and said " That's tradition..she has to pretend to be shy and scared "
I tought.."what the...! " . Finally henna day was over and I was really shattered.
When i saw my bed waiting for me I collapsed into it. The next day I just lazied around the house, thinking of all the things we talked about.The day after that was the wedding reception. it was to be a local hole from 7 o'clock to midnight. I took my dress and make up to Zilan's house in the morning and we all rushed about doing last minute jobs before the reception we went to the hair salon to have our hair and make up done when we were dressed and ready. The groom came in the bridal car with his friends following him. In their cars I didn't expect to be asked to join bride and groom bridal car. Because I knew that close friends shared that car. To my suprise they asked me to join them. I felt so honored and happy to be asked. I know that they must think of my as good friend. There was a lot of joking and happy chatter. I heart one guy talking in Kurdish and mentioning my name but no one explained what he was saying and I wondered if he looked done his noise at me which really bugged me !! "what a character.." I thought who does he think he is? I decided to ignore him and not let him spoel my evening. As he got out of the car this superior guy stumbled and nearly felt " serves you right "
I thought and turned away to hide my smile. It was getting dark when we had finished getting our photos taken. We got back in the cars and made our way to the hole. I was getting as exited as the bride and groom. I dont know wht made me so exiceted but I was really looking forward to evening.
When we got the hole i saw young people making arch with their arms and a man lighting sparkles that they held in the their other hands . Andbride and groom went through the arch laughing with their friends we all followed them under the arch amazingly ..!!
The superior guy went under the arch with me. At the end of the arch groom's mother was standing with the basket of coins and lollies. All the kids were waiting excitedly ! Then the groom's mother scattered coins, lollies and everyone laughed as they watched the children, rushing about gathering up these treasures it reminded me of lolly scrambles at parties I had been to when I was little. As the bride and groom walked to the middle of the hole.
I looked around at the guests I could see people from several cultures there.The bride and groom began to dance in the middle of the hole to a CD playing slow and romantic music the crowded formed a circled around them and again to my surprise ...
I found the same guy next to me he held out his hand with the a smile and suddenly he did not seem superior at all. I put my hand in his hand and we all began to dance I felt strange and shy while we were dancing.
He said " i know your name, my name is Roj". This was the first time he had spoken to me ..
I smiled at him but could not say anyting then music...
I'll continue...
Hejar first day at school in New Zealand...complete
hi guys..hejar( Dilan ercetin) who played first role in Buyuk adam kucuk ask film which was prized in Tribeca Film Festival. Im fan of her she is just so innosent and cute. Im sure there will be things you guys really unfamiliar with but please try to enjoy it..
Hejar is little kurdish girl who comes and starts school in New Zealand and faces with all those cultural differences but quickly copeing with that..very shy in first stage because of her cultural background , strong girl and very friendly...she becomes friend with Maori guy, Ratene and gains different experiences. Very different but good first day at school in New Zealand. I hope you guys will enjoy it..
Everything was so new and different. The air was crisp, her body shivering as she walked the long , icy road to school lonely. Not like back in Kurdistan- sweltering, sweaty and bustling. As she arrived at the ramshackle school in Gore, she was pleasantly surprised. School was foreign to her, nothing like what she had expected. She watched as the cheerful students ran around in the playground and played hopscotch in a desperate effort to warm their frozen bodies. Hejar had never really seen this many children before. She was always confined to her families minute shack back home. She was nervous, however a surge of excitement came over her and she suddenly felt not so lonely, not so alone. But excited to start her new life in New Zealand. The high pitched sound of the school bell rang, piercing Hejar’s ears like she was standing right underneath it. She ran into the cold uninviting school building and into her basic, very basic, classroom. As her teacher took the roll, Hejar looked around the class at the others students, rating them in her head on their potential to be her friend. The loud; rather chubby red-head throwing gum around the room? No, her parents would not approve. How about the sad, rather insipid baking girl reading comics? No, she didn’t like comics. She turned her head as far as it would go, and she spotted a boy, rather lonely. This could be good, she thought she was rather lonely too. He was obviously an native, a real Maori boy in the flesh. She had never seen a Maori before, and almost felt privileged to see a slice of New Zealand history. She caught his eye, and he smiled sweetly back. She turned back around with a sense of belonging that maybe her completely different culture really can hit into small New Zealand town. After class, she stood up to put her books away and she felt tap on her shoulder.
- Kiaora, I’m Ratene. Who are you?
- I, I, uh. I’m Hejar. And she gave a nervous giggle.
- Where are you from? Said Ratene.
- I’m from turkey, I’m Kurdish , to be exact.
" Oh " , he said with a rather confused tone, Ratene felt slightly guilty because he didn’t really know where Turkey was. After all, he fas never left the county. Trying to understand what a turkey Kurds was, he said :
- I’m Nga tapu. Its an iwi near here. Kind of like a big extended family. Is that similar to you?
- Ah, yes. Yes I guess it is, said Hejar, with a smile on her face.
"Let’s go and find somewhere to sit out of the wind to eat our lunch" said Ratene and Hejar was more than shy because perhaps that’s the first time that she shares her lunch with a boy. In Kurdistan, girls and boys never got that close , they learn it from their parents from very small ages that there is a distance between boy and girl. Girls have to know their places whereas is New Zealand its very normal to share time together with boys and mixed company. That is why how Ratene was friendly to Hejar and she was rather shy. Then she saw the all other children mixing together and finding somewhere to sit and have their lunch. However, she agreed to sit with him with a shrug of her shoulder and her cheek becoming quite rosy. Of course Ratene was quite unaware about what’s going on in her mind and her discomfort. He probably thought that is all about her being new at school but actually there was a chalk and cheese cultural differences between Hejar and Ratene. There was cute reluctance from Hejar and o boyish confusion from Ratene.Their little bodies were dwarfed by the buildings around them and they choose a sheltered place to sit and have their lunch. Eagerly Ratene opened his lunch to eat where Hejar would have been reticent in opening her lunch beside him so she would have turned a fraction away from being in front of him to eat. With a glance over her shoulder, she looked at what he was eating. Ratene was eager to see what Hejar has for her lunch so he suggested they out they put their lunch in the middle of them and shared but she was not comfortable with eating with boys. It is maybe because the environment that she come from, it was completely roking to her. Anyway, he dived in and ate his marten and peanut butter sandwiches in one gulp and looked to see what else his mother had given him whereas Hejar was chewing her food carefully before she swallow. One they finished their lunch teacher came by and said they could go and play. Ratene said;
- let’s put our bags away and go and get a ball to play with that group over there.
Hejar nodded shyly without a word and her cute little body was back would and following his instruction but it was what everybody was doing. The group was being friendly, laughing and joking as to how good they were at catching. Then there were little girls squealing and giggling as they bounced caught the ball. Occasionally, missing the catch from a boy who chortled as she had to run to retrieve the ball. Hejar seemed she was having fun with them all and getting use to her new school from the first day. Also making a lot more friends.There was a piercing school bell again which told them all to go back to their very basic classroom. Hejar was more confident this time because she knows where to sit now as well as having lot more friendly faces around her. She glanced around her and saw the class work that had been done to make the room pretty. Her eyes focused on the big painting on the wall of Snow-white and the Wicked queen which took her attention to the picture that shows queen was giving a luscious red apple to Snow-white. She suddenly felt homesick because she remembered her drawings were used to decorate the wall in her old classroom back in Kurdistan. Beside that red was even more attractive to her because it was her favourite colour. However, her heart raized when she remembered the exciment of having her work on the wall back home and she felt a flash of sadness as she recalled what she left behind. Almost by co-incidence the afternoon lesson was painting about the story they were reading that morning about Goldilocks and the three bears. They were allow to choose one of the character to draw whether Goldilocks or one of the three bears. She choice Goldilocks, with her lovely blond fare ringlets and wearing a beautiful red frock. Everybody was absorbed in what they were doing : so silent, you could hear a pin drop. After, Mr. Morgan, the school principle came in and Hejar stood up as she always did back in her own country to show the respect. The other children in the class giggled quietly because it seems unusual to them. Somehow, after a little while the teacher from next door just came in and Hejar stood up again as she had done just before. Other children in the class found this very funny and they started laughing at her. Suddenly Hejar realised that she is the only one who stood up because the way Kurdish people shows the respect was not like how it done in New Zealand. She felt very self-conscious; dropped her head down and looked at her shoes. After all, she was still standing with indecision why the other children were not standing. The teacher told her to that she could sit down. There was a blushing on her cheek and embarrassed as well as shamed. By the time she sat down school bell is rang. It was time for Hejar to finish very busy; first day at school. While she was picking up her books teacher called her to come to her table, at the corner of class and explained what do they do in New Zealand when the teacher comes in. That was new experience for her. Everybody was out by the gate with their bags, only Ratene was waiting to walk with her to the school gate. As they walked down to road, they realised that their house was not too far away from each other. However, Ratene asked her:
- Why did you stand up ?"That’s how we do in our country" said Hejar.
- Oh! Do not worry about the others. You have done what you learnt.
- Thanks for supporting me.
- They would not make a fun of you but they just did not understand what was all about.
" Hmm" Hejar said with a very small voice. As far as they got home Hejar said:
- Thank you for being my friend today.Ratene seemed more then happy to do that.
Finally she arrived home, and she straitly went her cold room. After changing her uniforms, Hejar got under some cosy blankets to think about her day; how different it was. Basically, being friend with Ratene was the best part of the day. There were lots of other new things she had to think about. Except the different understandings which makes bad feelings, she thought she would quickly adapt new life style, kilometres far away from Kurdistan, in New Zealand. To weigh up she was glad for what it happened in her day.
Hejar is little kurdish girl who comes and starts school in New Zealand and faces with all those cultural differences but quickly copeing with that..very shy in first stage because of her cultural background , strong girl and very friendly...she becomes friend with Maori guy, Ratene and gains different experiences. Very different but good first day at school in New Zealand. I hope you guys will enjoy it..

Everything was so new and different. The air was crisp, her body shivering as she walked the long , icy road to school lonely. Not like back in Kurdistan- sweltering, sweaty and bustling. As she arrived at the ramshackle school in Gore, she was pleasantly surprised. School was foreign to her, nothing like what she had expected. She watched as the cheerful students ran around in the playground and played hopscotch in a desperate effort to warm their frozen bodies. Hejar had never really seen this many children before. She was always confined to her families minute shack back home. She was nervous, however a surge of excitement came over her and she suddenly felt not so lonely, not so alone. But excited to start her new life in New Zealand. The high pitched sound of the school bell rang, piercing Hejar’s ears like she was standing right underneath it. She ran into the cold uninviting school building and into her basic, very basic, classroom. As her teacher took the roll, Hejar looked around the class at the others students, rating them in her head on their potential to be her friend. The loud; rather chubby red-head throwing gum around the room? No, her parents would not approve. How about the sad, rather insipid baking girl reading comics? No, she didn’t like comics. She turned her head as far as it would go, and she spotted a boy, rather lonely. This could be good, she thought she was rather lonely too. He was obviously an native, a real Maori boy in the flesh. She had never seen a Maori before, and almost felt privileged to see a slice of New Zealand history. She caught his eye, and he smiled sweetly back. She turned back around with a sense of belonging that maybe her completely different culture really can hit into small New Zealand town. After class, she stood up to put her books away and she felt tap on her shoulder.
- Kiaora, I’m Ratene. Who are you?
- I, I, uh. I’m Hejar. And she gave a nervous giggle.
- Where are you from? Said Ratene.
- I’m from turkey, I’m Kurdish , to be exact.
" Oh " , he said with a rather confused tone, Ratene felt slightly guilty because he didn’t really know where Turkey was. After all, he fas never left the county. Trying to understand what a turkey Kurds was, he said :
- I’m Nga tapu. Its an iwi near here. Kind of like a big extended family. Is that similar to you?
- Ah, yes. Yes I guess it is, said Hejar, with a smile on her face.
"Let’s go and find somewhere to sit out of the wind to eat our lunch" said Ratene and Hejar was more than shy because perhaps that’s the first time that she shares her lunch with a boy. In Kurdistan, girls and boys never got that close , they learn it from their parents from very small ages that there is a distance between boy and girl. Girls have to know their places whereas is New Zealand its very normal to share time together with boys and mixed company. That is why how Ratene was friendly to Hejar and she was rather shy. Then she saw the all other children mixing together and finding somewhere to sit and have their lunch. However, she agreed to sit with him with a shrug of her shoulder and her cheek becoming quite rosy. Of course Ratene was quite unaware about what’s going on in her mind and her discomfort. He probably thought that is all about her being new at school but actually there was a chalk and cheese cultural differences between Hejar and Ratene. There was cute reluctance from Hejar and o boyish confusion from Ratene.Their little bodies were dwarfed by the buildings around them and they choose a sheltered place to sit and have their lunch. Eagerly Ratene opened his lunch to eat where Hejar would have been reticent in opening her lunch beside him so she would have turned a fraction away from being in front of him to eat. With a glance over her shoulder, she looked at what he was eating. Ratene was eager to see what Hejar has for her lunch so he suggested they out they put their lunch in the middle of them and shared but she was not comfortable with eating with boys. It is maybe because the environment that she come from, it was completely roking to her. Anyway, he dived in and ate his marten and peanut butter sandwiches in one gulp and looked to see what else his mother had given him whereas Hejar was chewing her food carefully before she swallow. One they finished their lunch teacher came by and said they could go and play. Ratene said;
- let’s put our bags away and go and get a ball to play with that group over there.
Hejar nodded shyly without a word and her cute little body was back would and following his instruction but it was what everybody was doing. The group was being friendly, laughing and joking as to how good they were at catching. Then there were little girls squealing and giggling as they bounced caught the ball. Occasionally, missing the catch from a boy who chortled as she had to run to retrieve the ball. Hejar seemed she was having fun with them all and getting use to her new school from the first day. Also making a lot more friends.There was a piercing school bell again which told them all to go back to their very basic classroom. Hejar was more confident this time because she knows where to sit now as well as having lot more friendly faces around her. She glanced around her and saw the class work that had been done to make the room pretty. Her eyes focused on the big painting on the wall of Snow-white and the Wicked queen which took her attention to the picture that shows queen was giving a luscious red apple to Snow-white. She suddenly felt homesick because she remembered her drawings were used to decorate the wall in her old classroom back in Kurdistan. Beside that red was even more attractive to her because it was her favourite colour. However, her heart raized when she remembered the exciment of having her work on the wall back home and she felt a flash of sadness as she recalled what she left behind. Almost by co-incidence the afternoon lesson was painting about the story they were reading that morning about Goldilocks and the three bears. They were allow to choose one of the character to draw whether Goldilocks or one of the three bears. She choice Goldilocks, with her lovely blond fare ringlets and wearing a beautiful red frock. Everybody was absorbed in what they were doing : so silent, you could hear a pin drop. After, Mr. Morgan, the school principle came in and Hejar stood up as she always did back in her own country to show the respect. The other children in the class giggled quietly because it seems unusual to them. Somehow, after a little while the teacher from next door just came in and Hejar stood up again as she had done just before. Other children in the class found this very funny and they started laughing at her. Suddenly Hejar realised that she is the only one who stood up because the way Kurdish people shows the respect was not like how it done in New Zealand. She felt very self-conscious; dropped her head down and looked at her shoes. After all, she was still standing with indecision why the other children were not standing. The teacher told her to that she could sit down. There was a blushing on her cheek and embarrassed as well as shamed. By the time she sat down school bell is rang. It was time for Hejar to finish very busy; first day at school. While she was picking up her books teacher called her to come to her table, at the corner of class and explained what do they do in New Zealand when the teacher comes in. That was new experience for her. Everybody was out by the gate with their bags, only Ratene was waiting to walk with her to the school gate. As they walked down to road, they realised that their house was not too far away from each other. However, Ratene asked her:
- Why did you stand up ?"That’s how we do in our country" said Hejar.
- Oh! Do not worry about the others. You have done what you learnt.
- Thanks for supporting me.
- They would not make a fun of you but they just did not understand what was all about.
" Hmm" Hejar said with a very small voice. As far as they got home Hejar said:
- Thank you for being my friend today.Ratene seemed more then happy to do that.
Finally she arrived home, and she straitly went her cold room. After changing her uniforms, Hejar got under some cosy blankets to think about her day; how different it was. Basically, being friend with Ratene was the best part of the day. There were lots of other new things she had to think about. Except the different understandings which makes bad feelings, she thought she would quickly adapt new life style, kilometres far away from Kurdistan, in New Zealand. To weigh up she was glad for what it happened in her day.
Brief for Fanfic.. SIMPSONS!
If your a Simpsons fan like i am, you might enjoy this story. Based on the Simspons show but setted in the future is the story of Rod Flandler's first day at Uni! If you think i could add in something or do something to improve please comment! But for now the story goes a lil like this...
Note: Somethings maybe changed when the complete draft is issued.
It's the first day of Uni in the town of Springfield! Most of the kids in Springfield High School have made it and are going to be starting today at Springfield University. Rod Flandlers (the little saint) arrives after having a usual "flandlers" morning (prayers, bible study, breakfast etc...). Arriving to Uni gets scary for Rod as he is a newbie and in a world that he is not familiar with.
Luckily he meets up with a few Springfield High School students. They all seem scared so Milhouse suggests that they stick together so others don't pick on them. They agree and luck enough for Bart, Milhouse and Rod there first class is together.
After an hour of a very boring class for Bart and Milhouse, but yet an exciting introduction about Bio Science for Rod, Bart and Milhouse suggest they go and 'chill' somewhere. Rod really doesn't want too but scared to voice his opinon he goes with them.
While chillin' in the commons Rod gets introduced to worldly that he has never been exposed too! Will Rod become a normal sinful person or will his faith in God keep him safe?
This story is about Rod and his journey through the sinful stuff that we go through daily. Rod will be introduced to the activites of stealing, lying, doing things to make him look cool infront of the girls, denying God (which is one of the worst sins for the Flandlers) etc...
After a run in with the police, will he learn his lesson or continue with his bad-boy reputation?
Note: Somethings maybe changed when the complete draft is issued.
It's the first day of Uni in the town of Springfield! Most of the kids in Springfield High School have made it and are going to be starting today at Springfield University. Rod Flandlers (the little saint) arrives after having a usual "flandlers" morning (prayers, bible study, breakfast etc...). Arriving to Uni gets scary for Rod as he is a newbie and in a world that he is not familiar with.
Luckily he meets up with a few Springfield High School students. They all seem scared so Milhouse suggests that they stick together so others don't pick on them. They agree and luck enough for Bart, Milhouse and Rod there first class is together.
After an hour of a very boring class for Bart and Milhouse, but yet an exciting introduction about Bio Science for Rod, Bart and Milhouse suggest they go and 'chill' somewhere. Rod really doesn't want too but scared to voice his opinon he goes with them.
While chillin' in the commons Rod gets introduced to worldly that he has never been exposed too! Will Rod become a normal sinful person or will his faith in God keep him safe?
This story is about Rod and his journey through the sinful stuff that we go through daily. Rod will be introduced to the activites of stealing, lying, doing things to make him look cool infront of the girls, denying God (which is one of the worst sins for the Flandlers) etc...
After a run in with the police, will he learn his lesson or continue with his bad-boy reputation?
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