Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Cookie Caper

In 7th form at high school I wrote a parody to "Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar" (or whatever the actual name of the nursery rhyme is.) It was never completed and I've kept it for years gathering dust somewhere since. I was really into writing the story at the time and I'd like to give it another go and have a shot at making you people (even if it's just 5 of you) have a giggle. :)

It will essentially be about a boy who arrives home after a long, hard days studying and is desperately keen for that last scrumptious he spotted in the jar on his way out that morning, calling a very clear shotgun on it. He stumbles into the kitchen only to find, to his horror, that the cookie has vanished. He then spots a trace of his father sitting snug next to the jar which is where the paragraph will end.

The next paragraph directly links the accused to the crime scene and tells of his story prior to the misdeed. Each paragraph will tell the story of each family member until the final confrontation where they discover the comical truth behind it all.

What do you guys think? Any other ways I could set it out?



Necrolust said...

Sounds like a great idea, especially if you use a different writing style for each different family member. Maybe even write in txt speak if there is a little kid involved! (if the txt speak doesn't annoy everyone reading it that is).

ace274 said...

Lol, yeah that would be cool!
How many people are you going to have in the family?

bengman said...

I'm thinking just 3 at the moment, I don't want the blog to be too long. The original story had 5 (well 4, there were twins).

I guess it will come to me when I write.

Z!L@n said...

thats really good one bangman wish you all the best with your story!!