Thursday, August 14, 2008

John vs John - Complete.

John Rambo is the solitary type. The type of person who has never had anything done for him and never had anything. The kind of person that takes everything into his own bloody hands.

Rambo has been betrayed by the people who know him best, the people who were meant to be his superiors many times. He is considered to be a menace by those very people. The people who they themselves turned him into the killing machine he is today.

Getting away from it all in the far reaches of the Amazon for ten lonely years and having Navy SEALS intrude into what he considered a relatively "safe" zone to save some missionaries abducted by rebels, something clicked, something bad. Rambo's internal monologue spoke to him.

"Screw this. I'm going to settle this. I'm going to find somebody who can put up a fight to end all fights. If there is a person that possesses such skill."

The neurons firing in Rambo's brain that possess him to kill multiplied greatly, urging him to travel upwards from his stay in the Amazon and through Colombia.

John Matrix on the other hand, is the type of person that anybody could love. A war hero, a good father to his daughter and bulging muscles. Such were his skills as an elite commando that his former boss General Kirby is forever trying to enlist him "one last time". The "last" time Kirby tried this was to dispose of Matrix's former squad member Bennett who was hell bent on removing Matrix from the planet, not to mention kidnapping his daughter to try and accomplish that goal.

Twenty years on though, General Kirby came back. Twenty years since Matrix last saw Kirby. Twenty years since the kidnapping of his daughter. Twenty years of living the quiet life. Matrix tired of the quiet life.

Kirby stepped out of the helicopter, "Matrix, I'm not going to bother introducing myself since you most likely know why I am here and I probably know what you are going to say but its worth a try".

"I know that you are here to try and recruit me for a mission and truth be told, I am tired of the lack of action, the answer is yes." Matrix smirked.

Kirby, not used to the words 'yes' coming out of Matrix's mouth was about to turn away and head back into the helicopter, "Okay Matrix, it was worth a tr-".

"YES??" Kirby barked.

"There is no time to waste Matrix, this mission is a matter of national security, grab your things and jump into the helicopter and lets go!" Kirby yelped.

During the flight Kirby explained to Matrix the nature of this mission. He recalled that for the past twenty years of Matrix's retirement, drug running from Colombia up through Mexico and into the U.S.A. has risen greatly in frequency. It was now Matrix's job to sever the head of the whole organization in the jungles of Colombia, figuratively and literally.

John Rambo, fueled by rage and possibly a bit of insanity, is making the trek through Colombia's jungle from his former home the Amazon. Foes come and go on the way. Flesh doesn't amount to much when faced with machine guns and grenades. Whole towns have fallen at the hands of Rambo. Generations of people, gone, and there is not an inkling of remorse in Rambo's eyes. Amongst the sound and stench of burning corpses, Rambo spots a clearing up ahead that contains:

One giant mansion.
A lot of armed security.
Many expensive exotic luxury cars.
The stench of corruption.

"Sounds like my cup of tea." Rambo said to himself.

"I'll take them in the morning..." Rambo said, "To make things fairer. FOR THEM!". Rambo laid down to rest on top of a bed he made out of sticks and leaves, the comfort of that bed being comparable to lying on top of a mattress made of Bic pens. Dreaming about killing, slaughter, maiming and pillaging as Rambo does, he awakes to the sound of his favourite. War.

Gunfire. Smoke. Explosions. All the thing Rambo lusts for. With a spring in his step he sprints towards the mansion while loading his rifle.

“Time to kill everybody for no reason at all!” Rambo used as his warcry.

Unbeknownst to him, Matrix is the sound of war that Rambo can hear. Matrix, dual wielding assault rifles, makes his bloody way to the head of the Colombian drug cartel.

“Remember last time we met Matrix, you said you’d kill me last?” pleaded the Colombian dealer.
“I lied.” Sniggered Matrix as he proceeded with he methodical execution.

An explosion sounds and smoke fills the room. For the first time, John laid eyes on John.

“Who are you!?” exclaimed Matrix.
“I’m John” replied Rambo.
“John? I’ve heard of you John!” Matrix said with a sly tone of voice.
“I’ve heard of you John!” Rambo replied.

At this moment Rambo realizes that it was Matrix who was killing the other half of the mansion. It was Matrix…

“Could it be?” thought Rambo;
“Somebody who possesses such killing power as I?”.

The two Johns exchanged glances as they both knew what had to happen. Knife fight to the death. Commando faces commando as knives nick flesh. Kicks, punches, rolls, dives, it is an epic battle. Neither of the two commandos realize that the other is not going to give up without dying. Neither has encountered such skill in an opponent.

A week passes as Kirby only just learns of the news. Locals had spotted a litter of bodies all over the property of the mansion by air, and called officials. What is left to be seen is a gruesome scene. Corpses, craters and an accomplished mission.

The drug cartel boss is dead, but so are the Matrix and Rambo. The two Johns were found dead, each containing over one thousand stab wounds each.

They both went doing what they love, killing.

Please excuse any plot holes or shortcomings as I didn't want to greatly exceed the 800 word limit. Feedback would be appreciated.



bengman said...

Very entertaining story Mike.

I really liked how you cut a lot of the descriptive nonsense and got right into the action.

"The two Johns exchanged glances as they both knew what had to happen. Knife fight to the death."

This part really gave me a laugh, you must truly know what it's like in the midst of battle, having served in the Military as a Sniper and all.

The choice of words was also very clever.

"Rambo laid down to rest on top of a bed he made out of sticks and leaves, the comfort of that bed being comparable to lying on top of a mattress made of Bic pens"

It really made me feel for John, having slept on a bed of Bic pens myself only last night.

In all seriousness, great stuff :)

Necrolust said...

Thanks mate, I haven't actually laid down on a bed of Bic pens before, but I have sat on one and can imagine what a whole mattress of them would feel like! Obviously Rambo doesn't care though. He is tough.